The Gazette Telegraph Hub Articles

Married Life (1)

This is the story of my meeting Patsy Simpson at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1952,  just after returning from the Korean War, courting her, and getting Married on June 21st, 1953.

The series of articles following this one will tell - and illustrate - the story of our 57 years of Married Life together, our three children and their growing up until they left home.

There will be a seperate series of articles detailing Patsy Simpson Hughes' Simpson (father) and Morrissy (mother) family back to at least her Simpson ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War in 1775.

Meeting the Love of My Life

Meeting the woman I was going to marry did not take place at Fort Benning in the usual fashion.

In fact, through a series of circumstances it did not take place until just after I returned from the Korean War in the spring of 1952. And it took place because Patsy Simpson knew about me long before I knew she even existed.

That is a story in itself



This is a placeholder article for the general comments about his site. Not done yet.


This is space for me to put down my life's Reflections - to be accessed or read after catagory 'Married Life (1)