About This Dave Hughes Legacy Web Site

This is the still growing - online only - personal and professional Autobiography of Col (Ret) David Ralph Hughes and his immediate family.

It contains over 14,000 items occupying over 8 gigabytes of data in the form of text, graphics, audio and video clips in standardized formats, accumulated over many decades.It is accessible by any user of a standard Web browser, who can access its home page over the Internet to URL http://davehugheslegacy.net.

You can brouse or read its narratives and content by menus in rough chronological order of Hughes life from 1928 birth through today. The site also contains Dave and Patsy (deceased) Ancestory back until the 1590's in Wales.

You can also, by entering a word (name, date), phrase in the powerful Search box on the Home Page, get returned every clickable item or article in which the word or term exists on the entire site.

Since Dave Hughes will, sooner or later, be unable to add to the site himself, his three adult children (and their spouses), his five grandchildren (and their spouses) and his four great-grandchildren understand that they must continue to tend the site, and add their lives to its narratives. The site will be hosted, upgraded, and added to, on a professional Internet service indefinitely into the future, thanks to a small endowment.

Still in progress, through artificial intelligence technology, Dave Hughes plans to interact with anyone contacting his core beliefs stored in his silicon mind after his carbon self ceases to exist. It will be accessible with a smart phone before his Colorado Springs, Fairview Cemetery, Gravestone, (via a QR Code) or via the global Internet. 


Note: Excerpts of this Legacy content may be copied elsewhere under US Copyright Law's Fair Use Doctrine.








Dave Hughes life, lineage and legacy - as soldier, scholar, poet, pioneer and visionary.


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There are now a number of standard MP4 Videos accompanying stories here.


Latest is "6 Guys from Company K" a video interviewing 6 guys by me, their combat Company Commander in the 7th Cavalry in the Korean War in 1951. Taken this August 2012. To see it click here -> '6 Guys'


Rotating pictures from our August Reunion in Reno below


Me and Sgt Montano. He survived  with me on Hill 347 Dave Jr and Herb B.... He was wounded on 5 Oct, 51 on Rye


4times. NowPHDpsychologist          

Swapping Lies and War Stories in the Reunion Rooms in Reno
My Briefing at Reunion of what happened in Sept-Oct '51 that we 7th Cav guys went thru

From Hill 339 to 347 defeating 2 Chinese Battalions (1,200 men)

Trenches where 600 Chinese defended

Hill 347, above Pork Chop Hill

Taking Hill 347 - K Company's last big fight - 15 men, no officers but me left. But all our Missions accomplished. Chinese whipped. Gary Owen! Two of our 192 Prisoners of war off 347 Me grim after Hill 339 and our 54 Casualties over 7 days - with my trusty Thompson MG and Chinese whistle


Korean War 7th Cav guys at B-Bque

Jack Cauley - in the War from August 1950 and on the  Pusan Perimiter