GoPro Web Site Tutorials:


Youtube Tutorials:


A shortcut to turn WiFi “on” and “off” in your GoPro


Short Tutorials on the Hero 3


Short tutorial on Hero 3 and the Android phone app



1. Get intl current and adapter Switch for 100 - 220 French plugs

1a. Go to and vuy from Verizon, added minutes for European Cell Phone service and get local Verizon to talk me through

2. Print out by AFA Doctor staff all my Meds, for getting through Airport security

 2a. Renew via doc all my meds which will have less than 25 pills each

3. Stop Gazette Tele 1 Sep - 14 Sep

4. Order Post Office to hold my mail 1 Sept through 12 Sept

5. Convert to Euros - $400  ($100 = 89Euros) at CS Wells Fargo

6. Change ATD Alarm Call from my Cell Phone to Rebecca/Tom's phone

7. Buy More Hearing Aid batteries

8. Sort pills and fiber to take with me

9. Get renewed Passport or prod via 8th street Post Office

10. Deliver Lucy to Wendy dog  boarding house on 1 Sep. Rebecca pick up Lucy and pay her $240 at 9AM Sunday Sept 13th. 

11. Get and master GoPro #3 

12. Turn over car/house key set to somebody before leaving