The First Metanet Participants


While I used other networks besides Metanet, having been on it for some time, and knew both those who had designed and operated it, I chose to start my questioning about what possible 'high end' networks might be already in place in China.

Since the entire Saga of Ed in China was so interesting on Metanet, the founders of Metanet, Frank Burns (sadly now deceased)and Lisa Carlson (now Lisa Kimball) archived many of the discussions, which are here reproduced.

No less interesting were those who joined in the conversations. This is a list of their names which pop up making comments in the thread of discussions. At least six of them are still on Metanet today, 2012, who were engaged in following the saga 22 years ago.

Frank Burns

Lisa Carlson

Dave Hughes

Gordon Cook

Nancy Stefanik

Skip Conover

Scott Burns

Joan Sweeny

Willard Uncapher

Jeffrey Shapard

Billye Lemon

Van Gui

Taylor Walsh

Margo Hablutzel

Bill Robinson

Sanyakher Amare

Michael Esserman

Norm Kurland

Matt Minahan

Harry Stevens

Doug Carmichael

Sue Anderson

The discussions may appear disjointed, there are gaps (which Ed himself may fill up since he, like me, tried to capture all the text that passed between my computer and Ed's, and then were copied where appropriate, to Metanet's conferencing thread, and some were just for and from Ed, me, his father, and his mother.

But if you read from end to end below, you will find, indeed, a unprecedented saga worth your while, combining very, very new technical forms of telecommunications, within an ancient civilization - China.

Today, May 2012,  I have entered it as part of my Online (only) Autobiography which includes the lives to date of all three of my children, David, Rebecca, Edward and my - now deceased - wife Patsy.

My children already in their 40s and 50s' with spouses and children and grandchildren of their own will continue this Autobiography. In particular, not only will son Edward extend these remarks, his Chinese wife will add to them too.
