The Year at Carlisle Barracks

At the end of my Pentagon 3 years, I was on orders to attend the Army War College, at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. We kept the house in Annandale, Virginia, rented it out for one year, since I would be on orders to Vietnam at the end of the 1 year course, and it seemed most sensible for Patsy and the 3 kids to move back into it for the one year while I would be in Vietnam. The Gorman's still had their home two doors away, so Patsy and our kids could be in close touch for that year, at least.

So the Army moved our household goods to Carlisle Barracks while we took my 30 days leave and ended up there in August, and moved into one of the old large buildings, with apartments for the War College Students.

(outside building view photo I think we have, will be here)

All the kids were enrolled in schools, and I buckled down to got to to War College Classes by September.

The Hughes Scouts

Becky remembers: "  Someone thought it would be a good idea for David and I to join the Scouts while at Carlisle.

I think it might have had something to do with the camping out part to give mom a break.

Anyway, notice my sash of badges. Oh, that's right, I never earned one stinking badge!

For me at least, it wasn't the best idea.

David, however, got to go to West Point for his camping trip......."


The Three Stooges  

Becky Remembers

" It became apparent that my parents thought that television was a bad influence. So it was always kept out of sight. In Leavenworth it was in a closet, at Bradley Circle it was in the farthest corner of the deep dark basement, and at Carlisle Barracks it was in their bedroom.

Bad thing was, we all thought their bed was the most comfortable watching area and didn't want to leave. Just think, we might have had a sibling if we had skedaddled sooner.

I think the TV was finally moved to David's bedroom by my dad.

Edward and I knew that David was ahead of his time, for he started hogging the remote before they were even invented.

I know that Ed got TV time while David and I were in school, but I was out of luck. Don't ask me what was showing on TV during this 'lost' year."


And of course Christmas rolled around, and my mother, Helen, came from Colorado to visit.

Here is a picture of that Christmas inside those 'Old Army' high ceilinged rooms.

Grandmother Hughes, Patsy, David(12), Ed(3) and Becky(9

Rebecca remembers:

"This was in the 'long' living room.

Our quarters were actually in the Barracks 'Old' Hospital which made for oddly shaped rooms and long wide hallways.

We were on the 1st floor of this building. It overlooked a big parade ground.

The curtains were from Aunt Arleen's house and mom thought they were “rich” looking.

Dad 'studied' in a huge linen closet full of shelves."

Which I, Dad, don't remember.

Chuck and Cindy Adams got to Carlisle a year after I did. I am not sure where this picture was taken. I don't recognize the dining room table or chandelier. Must have been at their house - but where?

Our David, with Becky in the Middle, then Christie and 'Bucky' Adams at the Charlie and Cindy Adams home. From the time when Patsy and Cindy met in Haddonfield in 1954 then 3 years at West Point, then 3 years on the Beach in Hawaii, then Leavenworth, these four kids really grew up as Army Brats together.

Bucky then grew up and stayed in Alaska, after they were assigned there,  and Christie was in Seattle last I knew, while Charlie and Cindy after years in Virginia, went into an assisted living home near DC in the 2000s. But Cindy was on the phone to Patsy until just days before Patsy died. In 2011. While Charlie had severe mental losses as he aged.

There were no truer friends than Patsy and Cindy in all our military and afterward years.